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Police Complaint Mediation

A program to increase trust and transparency between community members and law enforcement.

Community Conversations on Race

An opportunity for people with different perspectives on issues of race to talk face to face and learn more about one another's thinking, experiences, and how these have informed their beliefs.

Prisoner Re-Entry Mediation

Re-entry mediation responds to the well-established need for individuals returning from incarceration to have positive relationships with family and friends in the community.
Through re-entry mediation, people who are currently incarcerated have a chance to mediate with family members before release, to address conflicts and collaboratively plan for the

transition to the community.

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Tri Community Mediation can design and deliver a customized training for your organization on a variety of topics, including:


  • Conflict Management

  • Team-Building

  • Negotiation

  • Communication


If you are hosting a community event or resource fair we would love to have a table so that we can let folks know about the mediation and conflict resolution services that are available in their community.

Tri Community Mediation is always looking to spread the word about mediation and how it can be used in our community. We offer informative and interactive presentations of 45 minutes - 1½ hours at no cost. We have presented to church groups, civic groups, book clubs, summer camps, elementary through college age classes, volunteer groups, professional associations, staff members at government and non-profit agencies, management teams, and many others.



As part of our commitment to responsiveness to emerging needs in the area we serve, TCM facilitates community forums around specific issues. We also offer meeting, retreat, and strategy session facilitation to businesses, community, and civic groups.



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